Faces by Johnson Tsang

Faces by Johnson Tsang

Creative porcelain sculptures inspired by vivid dreams feature surreal faces.

Lucid Dream series by talented Hong Kong based artist Johnson Tsang.

Lucid Dream

Lucid Dreams

Johnson Tsang

Porcelain Sculptures by Johnson Tsang

Johnson Tsang Lucid Dreams

Johnson Tsang Lucid Dream

Hong Kong Artist Johnson Tsang

Artist Johnson Tsang

Sculptures by Johnson Tsang

Johnson Tsang Faces

Chinese Artist Johnson Tsang

Johnson Tsang Face

Johnson Tsang Porcelain Sculptures

Johnson Tsang Sculptures

Johnson Tsang Sculpture

Also check out: Distorted Sculptures and Tattooed Porcelain Dolls

  1. eemke

    NICE !

  2. DR

    Amazing. Keep up the good work.

  3. Zaher Sahyoun

    Woow a true art, i like

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