Goat Horn Coffee Mug

Goat Horn Coffee Mug

Reusable horn shaped mug comes with stylish strap and leather holder that protects your hand and transforms into a useful coffee mug stand.

GOAT coffee and tea mug designed by Desnahemisfera for Equa.

Horn Coffee Mug

Horn Mugs

Horn Mug

Horn Shaped Mug

Goat Mug

Desnahemisfera Goat Mug

Goat Mug

Plastic Horn Mug

Goat Coffee Mug


Also check out: Edible Cookie Cup and World’s Largest Coffee Cup

  1. sgh

    niCe! ^_^

  2. Gert

    not as cool as I thought it would be.

  3. Kaity

    I like it but did the people who ever designed tis consider that clipping the coffee mug to a bag is a bad idea because if you swung the cup to far all the coffee would spill on it. In general its ok exept it looks a bit, well “fishy” when it stands on its support base. Kids tend to examine awesome things and they could just run up and BOOM! the cup falls over and everything is spilt.

  4. Junnie


    It looks like it has a closing lid.

  5. Kyle

    I must have this mug.

  6. rappakala

    Looks more like rhino horn than goat horn.

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