Nature Inspired Body Paintings

Nature Inspired Body Paintings

Beautiful and creative body art by talented Italian artist Johannes Stötter.

Camouflaged people blend into leaves, trees, rocks, and landscapes.

Painted humans merge with surroundings and become invisible.

Italian Artist Johannes Stotter

Bodypaintings by Johannes Stotter

Body Painting by Johannes Stotter

Johannes Stotter

Body Artist

Body Paint Artist Johannes Stotter

Body Art

Body Paintings

Body Painting


Bodypainting by Johannes Stotter


Body Art by Johannes Stotter

Body Paintings by Johannes Stotter

Also check out: Hand Paintings and Optical Illusion Paintings

  1. jacklyn


  2. MMI


  3. Gert

    Some of these are really really good and a few of them could use a little more work/practice to pull them off as well as the ones that are exceptional.

    Overall though, great concept.

  4. Mark

    Incredible. Who has the time and what do you do to make money from something like this??? Very cool tho!

  5. kelly Tozarin

    Amazing! It was hard to see the man in the rocks.

  6. Sharyn

    Beautiful! I love the little boy on the rocks

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