Playtime Massage T-Shirt

Playtime Massage T-Shirt

Creative t-shirt allows parents to relax and rest while their children play and give them a gentle back massage.

Race track or a railroad design is printed on the back side of every t-shirt.

Kids play with cars or trains, and Mom or Dad receive back massage.

Brilliant t-shirt provides hours of fun for the whole family. [order]

Massage T-Shirt

Playmat Massage T-Shirt

Playmat T-Shirt

Back Massage T-Shirt

Playmat Back Massage T-Shirt

Playtime for Kids

Playmat T-Shirt

Back Massage for Parents

Playtime Back Massage T-Shirt

For more creative t-shirts, check out: Interactive T-Shirts from Japan

  1. reason

    When the last time you saw kids do anything for “hours”?

  2. Amir

    Excellent unless the kid gets too excited

  3. jury

    ++ :)) !!!

  4. leo


  5. Alex

    Its all fun and massages until your child starts replicating car crashes and digging Tonka trucks into your spine.

    Other than that, I love it.

  6. Captain America

    I can imagine the child bashing the car into the mans head shouting ‘ZOOM!!’

  7. Ninja

    lol “gentle”, must not have much experience with children. Cool idea though

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