Sparkling Table

Sparkling Table

Beautiful and creative table made out of glass by talented artist John Foster.

When the light shines through the “Sparkle Palace Cocktail Table”, various shapes of different colors get projected onto the walls, floor, and ceiling.

Sparkling table will transform any room into unique art installation.

Sparkle Table

Sparkle Glass Table

Sparkle Palace Cocktail Table

Sparkle Palace Table

John Foster

Sparkling Glass Table

Sparkle Table by John Foster

Sparkling Table by John Foster

Sparkle Coffee Table

Sparkling Coffee Table

Also check out: Forest Lamp and Gummy Bear Chandelier

  1. eemke

    wauw , i just want the shiny parts ! don’t care for the table

  2. Moon Flower

    YES, this :) colorful lights to give me a sparkling lullaby for my afternoon naps

  3. Habub

    Cool stuff!

  4. Michele


  5. Anna S.

    Gosh, that is absolutely beautiful…

  6. Gert

    Must… buy….

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