Horizontal Building

Horizontal Building

Interactive art installation by Leandro Erlich consists of horizontal building facade and a large mirror that allows people to take creative photos.

Batiment is currently on display at the Centquatre gallery in Paris, France.

Leandro Erlich

Batiment by Leandro Erlich

Building by Leandro Erlich


Leandro Erlich Batiment

Horizontal Building by Leandro Erlich

Also check out: Bottomless Elevator and Miniature Underground City

  1. chels

    this is really cool!

  2. bananaman

    That’s actually a really interesting and creative piece of artwork! It took me a few seconds to get it.

  3. oliver

    oh, why I am so confused?
    But, this cool, very cool..

  4. Lilia Smiles

    This is so AWESOME! Makes me want to go to Paris even more!

  5. Glitterati

    hehe very funny :)

  6. Dominic

    SOOOOOOOOOO COOL! :) Put a HUGE smile on my face!

  7. Alicia

    This took me a few bits to understand what was going on. Quite cool, even if the people walking around in the first video kind of ruin the cool actiony-comedic stuff the people were doing. I would like to get pictures of this on vacation.

  8. Flo.

    I went with my brother to the 104 (centquatre) and it was really fun.

  9. Art of Concept

    GReat! Cool concept!

  10. Liz

    I seriously still don’t get this omg.

  11. Liz


  12. itai

    Took me freaking ages to figure out there is a huge mirror involved.

  13. Joy


  14. James


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