12 Cool and Unusual Bags

12 Cool and Unusual Bags

Collection of the most creative shopping bags, purses, and handbags.

Hanger Bag

Unique shopping bags with embedded cardboard clothes hangers.

Hanger Bag

Coca-Cola Bag

Modern clutch purse looks like a real can of Coca-Cola.

Coca-Cola Bag

Camera Bag

Clever shopping bag designed to promote Canon 500D camera.

Camera Bag

Edible Bags

Creative handbags made out of real food by Fulvio Bonavia.

Edible Bags

Floppy Disk Bag

Creative laptop bag made out of 42 recycled floppy disks.

Floppy Disk Bag

Wooden Bag

Wooden accordion clutch bag designed by Stella McCartney.

Wooden Bag

Guitar Bag

Guitar Bag

Metal Bag

Amazing flat-folding grocery bag created out of thin steel.

Metal Bag

Time Bag

Functioning 8” clock was built right into this unique handbag.

Time Bag

Dog Bag

“Excessory Baggage” dog shaped bag designed by Meryl Smith.

Dog Bag

Vinyl Bag

Stylish bag with integrated vinyl record. Perfect for music lovers.

Vinyl Bag

Suit Bag

Unusual bag created out of vintage suit jacket, shirt, and a tie.

Suit Bag

For more bags, check out: Creative and Unusual Shopping Bags

  1. Julie

    ‘Dog bag’ is disgusting :/
    The steel one and the accordion one are really cool!

  2. li907

    I like the clockbag the most

  3. MJ

    I find the dog bag very creative! Instead of carrying a pet Chihuahua inside your bag. Why not just make a bag in the shape of a Chihuahua. Brilliant!

  4. googi

    that’s a pig not a dog!

  5. Mark

    I think the dog bag is awesome! It’s poking fun at those t-cup chihuahua purse accessories, pointing out how stupid they really are!

  6. torasaurus

    thats supposed to be a chihuahua

  7. Phil

    I find the Vinyl bag very confusing, it says “for music lovers” then you look at the label on the record….

  8. Larna

    Ewwww….the dog one looks scary!

  9. tommy

    the metal bag u can use if u get robed

  10. OSeñorita

    i love the coca-cola and wooden bag! Oh, and the dog bag just looks scary to me too (and isn’t that a pig?)

  11. kadal

    floppy disk..awesome

  12. Rose

    I thought it was a pig too!

  13. shante

    that thing looks like pig mutated with a rat

  14. Darrell

    @Phil Haha I concur.

  15. justsayin

    accually um. dog bags arnt stupid at all i have a dog who loves to get in my bag- justsaying. but i think the dog bag is creepy

  16. piswasser

    no it’s not it’s manbearpig did you guys not know muhahaha

  17. Jason

    dog bag is more like a pig bag :)))

  18. Joy

    i’ve got the guitar bag but mines even better

  19. Africa

    Pigs have hooves. Not paws…

  20. zumrut

    How much is that bag whit the canon D500? It’s a very nice bag.

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