15 Amazing Chair Designs

Amazing Chair Designs

Creative and unusual chairs made by the world’s most talented designers.

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Organized Art

Organized Art

Swiss artist Ursus Wehrli deconstructs paintings into essential components and organizes them by size and color.

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14 Unique and Creative Rings

Unique and Creative Rings

Modern rings come in all shapes and sizes. This post showcases the most creative and unusual ring designs.

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Hand Cut Paper Silhouettes

Hand Cut Paper Silhouettes

Joe Bagley creates unique silhouette art from a single sheet of black paper.

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Amazing Eggshell Carvings

Amazing Eggshell Carvings

Brian Baity creates incredible art by carving unique designs into eggshells.

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Shoes with Faces

Shoes with Faces

Gwen Murphy transforms old shoes into unique characters with scary faces.

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Art Created Using Matches

Art Created Using Matches

Los Angeles based artist Pei-San Ng creates art by playing with matches.

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Rice Field Art in Japan

Rice Field Art in Japan

Japanese farmers of Inakadate village are famous for creating wonderful art using different types of rice plants.

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Drawings on Dirty Car Windows

Drawings on Dirty Car Windows

Scott Wade creates memorable art by drawing on rear windows of dusty cars.

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10 Cool and Unusual Motorcycles

10 Cool and Unusual Motorcycles

Collection of unusual motorcycles and the most creative motorcycle designs from all over the world.

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